What fees do you charge for your services?

The final fee for any service will be negotiated prior to appointments being booked.

Family Report assessments start at $6800 including GST.

Preliminary/Interim assessments start at $2800 including GST.

Children’s Views and Wishes reports start at $2200 including GST.

Additional fees may be charged depending on the size of your family, complexity of your situation and the volume of material that must be read in preparation for interviews.

Additional fees are also associated with travel and the extra time allocated to assessments conducted within family homes.

The fee for consultation during mediation is $200 per hour including GST. This service must be booked in advance of the mediation appointment.

The fee for child/parent estrangement counselling and reunification contact is $200 per hour including GST. If a report for the Family Courts summarising the intervention is required then this will attract additional fees.

What can I expect on the day of interviews for a family assessment?

Most importantly you and your family can expect respect, compassion and professionalism when using our services. We understand that family separations and disputes regarding parenting arrangements for children are incredibly difficult and distressing experiences for many people. In addition, we know that attending family assessments with an unknown person is a stressful experience, and the cause of significant anxiety for many children and parents.

Interviews are scheduled in a way that minimises waiting time for all participants, children in particular. However it is inevitable that the day of interviews will involve a great deal of waiting for all involved. Fortunately our premises offers a comfortable environment within which you can spend the day; and the surrounds offer a number of child friendly activities that you might engage in during periods of waiting. This includes a partially fenced yard, a free ‘farm walk’ adjacent to the premises and the other amenities of the Samford Lifestyle Centre. Throughout the day we will let you know what will be happening next, and when you will next be required; and during those periods that you and the children are not required you are welcome to leave the premises if you wish.

In general parents are interviewed first, then children and finally observation sessions are conducted. Parent interviews will be capped at 90 minutes each to ensure that there is enough time for the children’s interviews and the observations. Parents will be offered a follow up interview via video-link if they were not able to provide all of the information they wished to during their initial interview. Step-parents and other significant adults will also be offered interviews via video-link on a subsequent day in the event that there is not enough time for their interviews to occur in person.

If you are the person who will be bringing the children to the appointment, and if you do not wish for the other party to care for the children while you are interviewed, then you will need to bring another adult with you to supervise your children while you are interviewed. This must be a person who is over 18 years old. You are welcome to use the appointment as a point of changeover for the children between adults; but this must be something that you agree upon in advance and can facilitate between yourselves.

When your appointment for interviews is scheduled you will receive a detailed information pack which will set out in detail what you can expect. This will include detailed information about finding our location and onsite parking available.

In addition we are happy to speak with you in the lead up to your scheduled appointment about any questions or concerns that you may have that are not addressed by the information pack you receive. Note than any conversation prior to the interviews that does not include all adult parties to the dispute must relate only to practical issues associated with the day of interviews. If you have a solicitor helping you it would be a good idea to speak with them prior to making contact, or to have them make contact on your behalf.

What if I opted to have family assessment interviews in my home?

In home Family Report assessments will usually be conducted across two separate days, so that the children can be interviewed and observed in each household. This is the great benefit of choosing to have your assessment occur within your homes; both observations of your children with you and their interviews can occur in a natural and informal manner.

Preliminary/Interim assessments and Child Views and Wishes reports can occur across one or two days and households, depending on what is agreed between parents.

Arrangements will be discussed in detail in advance, and tailored to suit the needs of your family.

What should I tell my children about coming to an appointment for a family assessment?

The information that you provide to your children depends greatly on their age and developmental stage, and on their understanding of the family situation and dispute. As parents and caregivers you know your children best, and you should follow your instincts about how to speak with your children about using our services. Where possible it is suggested that the adults engage in a discussion about what is going to be said and when so that the children are given a consistent approach.

The information pack that you will be provided with will include an outline of what we tell children about our role and services when they are interviewed. It will also include a handout addressed to your child that you can provide to them if you wish to do so.

If you have proceedings in the Family Courts, or believe this is likely to arise, the Courts have some additional resources on their website that you may wish to share with your children. These can be found here -

Why am I seeing a family consultant? (5-8 year old) (fcfcoa.gov.au)

Why am I seeing a family consultant? (9-12 years old) (fcfcoa.gov.au)

Why am I going to see a family consultant - information for teenagers (fcfcoa.gov.au)

What should I bring on the day?

Please feel free to bring whatever your children and you will need on the day to feel comfortable. Generally we will have exclusive use of the premises on the day of your interviews, and you can rest assured that you will not encounter any other people using our service, or the services of Samford Psychology.

It is suggested that you bring enough food and drinks for the children and for yourself to last you until the late afternoon. There is however a cafe located within metres of our premises, and a supermarket only a five minute drive away should you require them.

Please bring any toys and devices that the children wish to have with them for their entertainment during waiting periods. We can accommodate prams and portable cots for young children who sleep during the day.

You may bring with you personal notes that you want to refer to during your interview. You do not need to bring any documents with you; any documentation that is to be considered as part of the assessment should be provided ahead of time. As a general rule we are unable to view any documents, photographs or videos during your interview. The reasons for this can be explained during your interview if you require it.

Can I bring a support person?

You are welcome to bring support persons for you and the children. There is no set limit for the number of people you can bring. However we ask that the number be kept to a minimum. We also ask that you consider carefully the broader dynamics of your children’s families, and any potential for conflict or inappropriate behaviour when deciding who to bring.

In general we ask that interviews with adult parties be conducted one on one. This is important for a range of reasons which can be explained in detail on the day. Most importantly one on one interviews minimise the risk of any suggestion in future that the views you expressed in your interview were not your own.

In the case of rare exceptions where a support person is permitted to be present during your interview it is essential that this person remain silent and not attempt to contribute or speak for you. Current partners will not be admitted as support persons as it will be necessary that they participate in their own interview as part of the assessment process.

If you or your child/ren are living with a disability or illness and require specific arrangements for your interviews this will always be accommodated. Such arrangements can be discussed and agreed upon prior to the day of your appointment.

Should my current partner and/or children from other relationships attend with me?

Yes please. All members of your household should attend the appointment with you and be available for interviews and observations. In situations where there are safety issues that make this difficult this can be discussed in advance, and alternative arrangements can be made where needed.

What if I and/or my child/ren do not feel safe being in the same space as my former partner/spouse?

It is our utmost priority to keep your children and you safe and as comfortable as possible when you are using our services. If you have any safety concerns please raise these at the earliest opportunity, and arrangements for the assessment will be modified as needed. Our premises has several private spaces which can be used as private waiting spaces where needed. If this will not be sufficient to meet the needs of your family then interviews can be staggered, conducted on different days or conducted via video-link.

Wherever possible Family Report assessments are informed by observations of adults and children spending time and relating to one another. If a child is reluctant to participate we will explore this with the child, and attempt to come up with a plan for some form of observation. However it is important to note that we will never force a child who is frightened or distressed to spend time in the company of an adult against their wishes.

What can I expect if my family is using your counselling and contact services?

Arrangements for counselling services are made according to the particular needs of each family. Generally separate intake sessions will occur with each parent and each child. After these sessions occur we will be able to discuss with you a plan for your family.

It is important to be aware that our intervention might never progress to the point of the child/ren spending time with the parent from whom they are estranged. This will depend entirely on the needs and viewpoint of the child.

We will never force a child who is frightened or distressed to spend time in the company of an adult against their wishes.